The Cleveland Hotel

The Cleveland Hotel


club update

Hiya gang, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year, I hope one of your resolutions is to frequent the club more, lol! The club reopens this Friday the 10th of January with a Guest night, our Guest is J.P. Slidewell, John has been out of the folk scene for some time whilst caring for his late Mother. He is now back playing at clubs and festivals, he recently played at our Christmas party and went down quite well. Folk Root Magazine recently wrote, "J.P. Slidewell singing songs from the tradition for today." Tykes News also wrote, "J.P. sings with both energy and emotion and the music is delivered with a characteristic verve, which should make a live performance particularly exciting."
John was also a well known regular at Chorlton Folk Club. Rob Dunsford a well known Bodhran player as well as poet will also be joining, J.P. Slidewell, with some of the up tempo music. Club starts at 20:30, hope to see you there, luv L xx

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