The Cleveland Hotel

The Cleveland Hotel


club update

Hi gang, hope you're all ok, this Friday is another guest night, gosh you're being so spoiled recently can't remember last singers night lol! This week our guest is the brilliantly talented singer/songwriter and musician Des Basterfield, Des has played at the club before, some of you may remember his friend Ed who Plays saxophone turned up, it was a specific type of instrument that Jack talked about but I don't know instruments so I'm no use lol! Plus some friends who came with this lady who paired people up and got them up dancing, sounds like an odd folk night but it was really good so anything can happen. One things for sure it'll be a great night, club opens at 8.30pm, it would be nice to see you there, luv Lxx


club update by Ian Sproson

Because of various problems during the winter months we have a pile up of guests because of the weeks we were forced to cancel. However this Friday will be really special. We are not only proud but honoured have as our guest Camilla Rose all the way live in person, from Portland Oregon. When I first met her at the airport she was nothing like what I expected, but a million times better. Her style of presentation is unlike anything you have seen before. As you would expect she plays and sings country music with a massive repertoire including old favourites and many songs written by herself. She has a wonderful deep round voice and certainly like myself does not need an amp. This is a unique opportunity which is very unlikely to come our way for a very long time. We hope that see you there.