The Cleveland Hotel

The Cleveland Hotel


club review

Hiya gang, sorry there was no review for last Friday, but the week has been hectic and I was unable to get it done, but as Singer's nights go it was fab! We had new members, plus Jack, Gordon, Steven and Paul were all in fine 'fettle' and Ian 'Sproggy' Sproson always gets everyone in a singing mood! It was nice to see the brilliant Barry Hardman (Mr Mischief) back again, unfortunately had not brought his guitar, but I hope he brings it next time which is a Guest night, but I'm sure I can slot him in for a couple. Next week are the superb 5 piece folk band, Bo Weavil, who play a range of music including, American Folk from the 50/60's, I'll tell you more later in the week ahead, again I'm sorry the review is late, luv L xx


club update

Hiya gang, hope you are all well, just a short note to let you know this week is club week. This Friday is a Singer/Musician/Poet's night, which if you didn't know it's an opportunity for anyone to come along and perform. Whether you're already a performer who wants to try out a new song or poet who wants to try a difference audience, or anyone who would like to come along and perform for the first time, you will be made very welcome. We will still have our resident singer Ian 'Sproggy' Sproson, who is sure to make you feel at home, plus we have some regulars like Steve Woolley, also Jack and Gordon McCully and when he's available, Steven Ireland superb accordion player and One Man Band, so you'll be in good company. Club starts at 20:30 hope to see you there, luv L xx


friday review

Hiya gang, brilliant night!!! I wish other people would post comments about the night too, the night started off with Ian 'Sproggy' Sproson with one of my favourite songs the 'Steak and Kidney Pie' song, lol! That seemed to start a theme of a serious song and comedic song, there was many floor singers including Jack and Gordon McCully, the brilliant Des Basterfield, Steve Woolley and Stuart Thomson who are like the dynamic duo or double trouble, lol! Steven Ireland was absolutely superb, playing songs from a melodion and his 'One Man Band' device. I have some recordings of Steven on the camcorder on my phone, as do quite a few members, we'll find the best and post it on the blog and facebook. The next club night is the 20th of September, which is a singers night, anyone is welcome to come along and perform. But there's always Ian Sproson, who is the resident singer, The McCully's will be there too, they're great, Jack sings the older songs from way back when and Gordon his son sings new songs plus his own works, which are excellent, plus they great fun too. Club starts 20:30, hope to see you there, luv L xx


club update

Hiya gang, sorry the update is late, I got a new phone this week which caused untold problems you would not believe. Anyway kind of back to normal, lol! This week is a guest week, our guest is the fantastic, Steven Ireland, if you've not seen Steven, you're in for a real treat! A brilliant Musician, Steven plays an Accordion and a One Man Band. A lot of his music is Gypsy-Romanian style with Irish sometimes thrown in, every time he's come to the club as a floor spot, he has members clapping and whooping, lol! There was an occasion when the Landlady said she thought the ceiling was going to cave in, lol! I'm sure we're in for a good night, plus with our usual singers it's well worth coming. Club starts 20:30 hope to see you there, luv L xx