The Cleveland Hotel

The Cleveland Hotel


club review by Jack McCully

Hi all, Friday night started off looking like a potential disaster because most of you were absent. I hope you all have sick notes. The evening started with my son Gordon singing to a bare room and continued with me doing my bit. During my spot we were joined by a few more people who were obviously friends of the club guest Des Basterfield. This greatly improved the atmosphere of the club. The first half then ended with a short spot from Des who was in his customary great form. During the interval another unexpected arrival was Ed Kainyek suitably attired in flat cap. He quietly prepared his two saxophones, an alto and a soprano, the latter of which I thought could have been the missing evolutionary link between clarinet and saxophone.
Due to the late start caused by waiting in the vain hope that some of you lot would turn up the second half was one long brilliant guest spot by Des and Ed. At one point dancing broke out in the room and I was invited to participate by a most delightful young lady called Agata. She even pretended not to notice when I trod on her toes. Sorry Agata. So that is the story of how a disaster was very successfully averted.
Hope to see more of you next club night. Jack

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