The Cleveland Hotel

Friday Night Review
Hiya gang, I was sorry to hear a few of our regular members were unable to make it on Friday due to other plans that were unavoidable, we did miss you and hope to see you back next time. The night started off quite slow really, the weather didn't help either, so we were using brute force to open windows lol, we even managed to open the door to the veranda, which hasn't been opened to my knowledge for the last year or so!! With the room a bit cooler Ian Sproson got us off to a good start, we were also lucky to have two new artists to the club. Chris Rogan joined us and sang a beautiful song 'Set My Dreams Free' which he had written, plus others, a really talented singer songwriter, but I'm sure he has already been told that many times before. Steve Woolly came with one of my favourite musicians, the lovely Stuart Thompson and in no time they were all joining in with each other, playing well known songs turning it into more of a jamming session! Another friend of Steve's Dave Hammond, came in late on in the evening and although he said he was a bit rusty he played and sang really well, plus as he didn't know the club was there, I'm sure he will be back again. Everyone seemed to be having such a good time, it was hard to get them to finish We have had a good friend of Mike Bowden's, Dick (not Richard) or 'Weymouth' who has started coming to the club more regularly, and has restarted an old harmonious refrain we had many moons ago at the Cleveland at the end of the night, 'pass your glasses to the bar''!! or 'Me Dad's Drunk Again' which was always requested from Ian Sproson !! where did I leave my Tardis?? lol. The next club night is June 8th with the brilliant Claire Mooney, not to be missed. Until then enjoy the sunny weather luv Lxx
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