The Cleveland Hotel

The Cleveland Hotel


changes from Thursdays to Fridays

Hiya gang hope you're all ok,well the relaunch went well, both Cllaire and  Damien were on top form,I suppose 'cos it's been such a long time since I'd seen them  you forget just how brilliant they are. Damien sang one of his songs which had been used as a back ground track for a video for Bill Clinton to help with the plight in Dafur called I pity you if you click the link on this page you can hear it and even download it if you want to


Club update

Hiya gang , well wot a night last night, Thank you to the fantastic Mike Bowden for such a brilliant nights entertainment. It was nice to see a few old faces, but also a lot of new faces too, thank you too to the superb and unique form of humour from Stanley Accrington and the much talented Simon Rusty well done I'd say he's one to look out for in future see you at the club again soon take care all, lv Lorna 8- ) xx