The Cleveland Hotel

The Cleveland Hotel


friday night review

Hiya gang, what a brilliant club night it was this Friday, it really is getting better every time. Resident singer Ian Sproson got things started, still on his railway high lol! We then had a new comer, Mike Goodwell, Mike asked to sing two songs and was so surprised when some of us knew them and joined in. He sang another two in the second half, I hope we made him feel welcome and I hope he'll come back again. Regular, Steve Woolley, also joined us and sang, but the night really did have to go to Steven Ireland and his 'One Man Band' absolutely brilliant! Steven with the help of his dad, put together, drums, symbols, tambourine, and a hooter too, using everything from, mechano pieces, fishing frame, backpack, even trainers with loops to connect his contraption together. So not only playing accordion, Steven walked from side to side, providing his own backing track lol! Steven says he wants to tweak it a bit more, but what a superb invention, well done! I'm sure once his muscles have got used to all the extra work, there will be no stopping him. Oops, I nearly forgot, thank you Paul for keeping your promise to sing a song which he made up on the night, it was untitled but I think 'Lost Love Found' would be my suggestion. Thank you to everyone for such a great singer's night, next club night is on the 8th of March, with guest Garron Frith, hope to see you all then, luv L xx


club update

Hiya gang, short reminder to let you know this week is a club week, it's a singer/musician/poet's week so anybody is welcome to come along and perform for us. Also, anybody is welcome to come just to watch and be entertained. In recent weeks, we've had some really excellent newcomers, so why not come along and join us. Club starts approx 20:30, and I understand we had a club premiere this week lol. Look forward to seeing you there, luv Lorna xx


friday night review

Hiya gang, as I was unable to make it to the club on Friday due to illness Ian Sproson kindly stood in for me. The guest was Pete Ryder, and I had previously indicated it would be a good night and Pete didn't disappoint.

And this was Ian Sproson's view "I can't put my finger on what magic Peter Ryder had but within seconds we were hanging on every note and word. The 2 sisters were great as a backing group, suggested names in a sealed envelope to be handed to Lorna a week and Friday. We all gelled together in a way I haven't seen for a long time and if anyone who wasn't there sees the name Pete Ryder on the poster just GET THERE!!. A great night is guaranteed."

Thank you so much Ian and Kevin, for helping me out on this occasion. The Next club night is the 22nd of February, which is a singer/musician/poet's night, hope to see you then, luv L xx


club update

Hiya gang, hope you've all managed to survive the snow without breaking any bones. Sorry I had to cancel the last club night at such short notice, but the weather was far too horrendous for anyone to be going out in. Just a short note to tell you it's a club night on Friday 8th, it's a guest week our guest is such a legend in the folk scene, he's been singing and songwriting since the 60's, the fantastic singer/songwriter Pete Ryder. Although Pete's not been on the folk scene doing gigs, he's been mainly working with other session musicians and has recently returned to a solo career. Pete came to our club last year, and one of his songs 'Nat Shapiro's Time' has been stuck in my head since, I think everybody will be in for a good night. Pete truly is a guest that shouldn't be missed. Club starts at 20:30pm be there early to get a seat, luv L xx