The Cleveland Hotel

The Cleveland Hotel


Time changes

Hiya folks hope all well, I been asked by members to change the time the club starts. As the bar is open until 11.30 it has been agreed to have the club start at 8.30 , so no one will miss out on  drinking time .!!!
Regarding comments anyone can leave a comment  about things you want from the club, but you can  also keep up with what going on at the club via  facebook, if you enter the new Cleveland Folk club unplugged and ask to join, that way you can also interact with other club members.  Hope this is of some help to you all.  Lv  Lorna    8- ) xx


club changes

Hiya everyone hope you're all ok. Just to let you know the folk club is no on a Friday night so the next club nght is Friday 4th March which is a singers night , then on 18th March is a guest night BeelzeBob I understand  from Bob Ashworth it's going to be an 'interesting performance' hope to see you there .
If you know of any guests you would like to see let me know lv Lorna 8- ) xx